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Updated: Jan 2, 2023

I turned 40 in 2017 and this was the year I decided to turn my life upside down! This last year of my 30's was all about transitioning into a different (hopefully better) version of myself for the next decade. I started with the hashtag #roadto40 on my 39th birthday, but I later personalized it to #LJRoadTo40.

Shortly after my 39th birthday I decided I wanted to start exploring the possibility of moving abroad to work for a few years. So I cut all my hair off in October 2016 to go natural so I wouldn’t have to worry about my hair when the opportunity came to move. When I was reflecting on my 2016 yearly accomplishments I realized I had touched 5 of the 7 continents (North America, Australia, Europe, Asia and Africa), so I set a goal to complete visiting 6 of 7 continents before my 40th Birthday. I completed that goal in February 2017 when I went to Rio de Janeiro for carnival and collected my 6th continent South America.

After taking off for a couple of months to prepare myself for this move abroad I was hoping for. I made the decision that there was no better way to hit the reset button than to start from scratch. I had been feeling stuck for a while and I knew if I didn’t do something drastic I would continue to go through the motions of life that had become so comfortable. So I sold my house, sold all of my furniture, and walked away from a "successful" life by society's standards. I took some time to put some real thought into what would truly make me happy.

My initial goal was to have a job secured in Singapore or Dubai and turn 40 living in my new country, but sometimes plans do NOT work out the way we want them to. Instead I spent the month of May traveling to 4 countries and the month of August traveling to 5 countries to celebrate my birthday. Then I left again to spend October and November in 3 more countries. 2017 turned out to be my year to PLAY so 2018 will be my year to WORK.

I Thank God for bringing me to this place I am in at this moment in my life. I am a woman of strong FAITH and as I have matured I have learned to stop trying to "help" God and go with the flow of where the universe wants me to be. I must say things have worked out pretty good up until this point. I know I drive the people close to me insane with some of the decisions I make based on BLIND FAITH and I am GRATEFUL that God blessed me with family and friends who support me in all my "crazy".

There have been peaks and valleys and I am grateful for them all! I am glad that I can say that I am authentically and unapologetically ME! I am not traveling in search of anything because I am whole. I do life differently! That is my thing, it has always been my thing and it will most likely continue to be my thing. I don't know what the universe has in store for me but I'm sure it's going to continue to be a wild ride. I am ready for the challenge!


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